
Tā kā gads tuvojās savam noslēgumam, tad arī tiek pavilktas svītras dažādiem rādītājiem. Arī Google meklētājs apkopojis meklējamo topu par dažādām kategorijām. Lūk daži desmitnieki:

Fastest-Rising Search
1. iPhone
2. Badoo
3. Facebook
4. dailymotion
5. Webkinz
6. YouTube
7. ebuddy
8. Second Life
9. hi5
10. Club Penguin

Most Popular Searches on Google News
1. American Idol
2. YouTube
3. Britney Spears
4. 2007 cricket World Cup
5. Chris Benoit
6. iPhone
7. Anna Nicole Smith
8. Paris Hilton
9. Iran
10. Vanessa Hudgens

Most Searched TV Shows
1. Heroes
2. Lost
3. House
4. 24
5. Bones
6. Jericho
7. Reba
8. scrubs
9. Greek
10. Caveman

Most Searched Movies
1. Transformers
2. 300
3. The Simpsons Movie
4. Epic movie
5. Bee Movie
6. Harry Potter
7. Hairspray
8. Cars
9. Iron Man
10. Amazing Grace

Searches for “Who is …?”
1. Who is God
2. Who is who
3. Who is lookup
4. Who is Jesus
5. Who is it
6. Who is buckethead
7. Who is calling
8. Who is keppler
9. Who is this
10. Who is Satan

Searches for “How to …”
1. How to kiss
2. How to draw
3. How to knit
4. How to hack
5. How to dance
6. How to crochet
7. How to meditate
8. How to flirt
9. How to levitate
10. How to skateboard

Searches for “What is …?”
1. What is love
2. What is autism
3. What is rss
4. What is lupus
5. What is sap
6. What is Bluetooth
7. What is emo
8. What is Java
9. What is HPV
10. What is gout